Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of Arlington. We would love to have you join us! If you are looking for fun and fellowship, a way to serve, give back and make a difference, then the Kiwanis Club of Arlington is for you.
The Objects of Kiwanis
Object 1: To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
Object 2: To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
Object 3: To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professional standards.
Object 4: To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship.
Object 5: To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities.
Object 6: To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will.
What to Look Forward to
When you join our club you will get the opportunity to meet many people from the Arlington community. Our club hosts weekly meetings where we invite a special guest to speak. At our weekly meetings members enjoy wonderful food and and the company of other members. Our club members also work in the community. Check out our activities listed on our webpage! We work closely with schools and other nonprofits. As a member you will get to undertake service projects, organize events, and even serve as a committee member. Furthermore, as a Kiwanis member, you also get to seek out Kiwanis International events, projects, and conventions. Excitement awaits!
Member Dues
The cost of membership for the club is $47.00 per month, consisting of $31.00 dues and a $15 meal assessment/guarantee. This $47.00 per month is the amount designed to break even in the Club’s Administrative Account. This amount covers:
- The cost of weekly meals
- Rental of the meeting room
- Compensation to the Club Treasurer and Club Secretary
- Club Supplies
- Dues assessments from Kiwanis International (KI), Kiwanis TX/OK District, and Kiwanis Division
- KI magazine subscriptions for each member
- Liability and directors and officers insurance, and any convention and officer training expenses
There is no extra charge for meal taken during our weekly meetings. However, no credit can be given for meals missed because of absences, since monthly costs are designed to also cover the club’s administrative expenses. Below are the dues breakdown from Kiwanis International and the District:
International dues $52.00 per year
Magazine $ 8.00 per year (Honorary member only pays for magazine – no new
member fee or dues)
Insurance $17.00 per year Total ($13 General Liability & $4 Dir & Officers Liability)
Total $77.00 per year for KI
District dues $40.00 per year
Total $40.00 per year for T/O
GRAND TOTAL $117.00 per year
Note: New members who were previously members of any of Kiwanis Leadership Program (SLP), such as K-Kids Club, Builders Club, Key Club, or Circle K are eligible for reduced club dues. Their club dues would be reduced to $3.00 per month for the first 24 months of their membership. The $3.00 cover variable costs as opposed to fixed costs. Specifically, the money cover the incremental costs to the club obtaining group liability insurance coverage through Kiwanis International, the KI assessment for the KI magazine, DIV 39 dues, and the cost of background checks.
Thus, for the first 24 months, such a new member would be charged a monthly charge of $26.00: $3.00 for dues and $23.00 for the meal assessment.
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested or have any questions!