The Jiggle Butt Run is an all women running event that promotes fitness, well-being, and a healthy and positive attitude for all kinds of women. The proceeds made at the event go directly to SafeHaven of Tarrant County. Whilst runners raise money and awareness, some manage collection stations where people gather supplies for the Arlington and Fort Worth shelters. For the fourth year Kiwanis Martin Key Club and UTA Circle K club members handed out bottles of water as runners made the last dash to the finish! Some of the runners even wear hilarious costumes to liven the event up. This is one of the many good things that are always happening in Arlington!
The JBR 5-K is sponsored by Arlington Junior League and raises over $50,000 for Safe Haven Women’s Shelter every year.
Kiwanis clubs should be very proud of their student contributions to this cause!
If you want to find out more (like when you can participate) click here.